报告题目:Writing & Publishing Scientific Papers
--- Materials and Physics
报告人:David J. Singh (教授)
主持人(邀请人): 樊晓峰
Good science has two aspects: Doing good research and publishing the results. Publishing is important because papers form the scientific record and because they are important for a scientific career and recognition for the work that you have done. Your papers publicize your accomplishments, which others may follow increasing the impact of your work. This series covers the preparation of scientific papers and getting them published.
Topics include:
Organization of a paper
Selecting a journal
Composing a good title
Writing the abstract
What to put in the introduction
The methods section
Organizing results and discussion
Figures and graphical abstracts
References: what to include and not include
Cover letters
Navigating the editorial process
Responding to reviewers
David J. Singh教授是美国密苏里大学讲席教授,美国物理学会会士、英国皇家化学学会会士。辛格教授1985年于加拿大渥太华大学获得物理学博士学位,曾任职美国海军研究国家实验室功能材料理论组组长和橡树岭国家实验室科研理事。曾获奖有Gordon Battelle奖、E.O. Hulburt奖、 Sigma Xi 奖等。辛格教授的研究领域主要为凝聚态物理和计算材料物理,先后在国际著名学术刊物上发表论文650余篇,论文被引用40000多次,研究工作主要集中在,发展和利用第一性原理方法理解材料性质;探索各种功能材料,包括铁电、热电、超导、磁性和光电材料等。